The Journal of Biblical Accuracy

In depth Bible Studies about various subjects

New Book: The Warnings of the New Testament

Loving God with all our heart: what does it mean?

Temptation: does God test us with evil?

The tempter

The means and forms of temptation

The forms of temptation in the parable of the sower.

What is the proper response to temptation?

Prayer as weapon against temptation

Holy spirit: "another comforter"

The breastplate of righteousness

He became to us (1 Corinthians 1:30)

Righteous, saved by grace

God loves us

The good works that God has prepared for us

Righteousness and the Bible

Faith and works

Chosen by God: a look at the doctrine of predestination

“Wretched man that I’am” – A brief commentary on Romans 7

Does God condemn the sinner?

Tithing, giving and the New Testament

The references to the souls in Revelation 6:9 and 20:4

Paul and Philemon

Moses and Elias in the Lord's transfiguration

Lazarus and the rich man

Decision making and its effects: an example from Paul’s trip to Rome

Church (ecclesia) and her head

Prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14

1 Peter 3:19 : The spirits in prison

“Beloved, now we are children of God”

Did Jephthah really sacrifice his daughter ? An analysis of Judges 11:31

Some thoughts on material possessions

Honor your father and mother

What to do "if your brother sins against you" (Luke 17:3-4)

The way of Balaam

Is resignation a solution?

Rest in the Lord

Saul vs. David

You are free now!

The Father Himself loves you

The parable of the widow

Praise the Lord

In all points tempted as we are

Martha, Mary and Jesus

The parable of the prodigal son

Judges 6:6-16 : Gideon's encounter with the Lord

Acts 16:6-10 or how Paul came to Europe


Examine yourselves....

The mercy of the Lord

John the Baptist: A God's General

An Earnest Warning about Lukewarmness

All things work together for good to those who love God (Part II) - The case of Joseph

The fear of the Lord

Obedience to God

The iniquity of Sodom

The heart

The chastening of the Lord

Before, Now and After

"All things work together for good to those who love God" (Part I)


The enemy, the battle, and the winners

Cares, Prayer and Believing

Born of God

Acts 16:6-40

Absent with the body, present with the Lord

The Word of God is:

The Parable of the Sower

Studies on Love (Part II)

Studies on Love (Part I)

Some of the things that Jesus Christ is

Jesus Christ: The Redeemer

Gideon and how God worked with him

Esther and the delivering power of God

The two "fields" of blood

The genealogies of Jesus Christ

The Church: Its definition, its head and its members

Spoken vs Written

II Kings 4:1-38 : Elisha, the widow and the Shunamite woman

Was Jesus born on the 25th of December?

Jesus the Son of David

About the wise men

Unless you believed in vain (I Cor.15:2) - What does it mean?

The temptations of Jesus

Eve in Genesis

II Timothy 3:16-17: the usefulness of the Bible

On the interpretation of the Bible

Who is the author of the Bible and who wrote it?

The armor of God

Judas' death and its timing

God Loves You

Jesus' Opinion About Prayer

Pentecost and New Birth Realities

Body, Soul, Spirit

On Grace